5 simple ways to make more money with AdSense | Get Top Google Adsense Safe tips tricks and so on.

5 simple ways to make more money with AdSense

Adsense is a very good platform for publishers to make money, but to find out how you can do more! Google Adsense is the many publishers ' main sources of income. However, most set up Google Adsense, forget it, not too much To display the ads for more information. You can easily change your Adsense ads After a few minutes, without any development Assistant from others.
In this tutorial, we assume you've set up your Adsense Account, if you do not, you can sign up for Google Adsense (it's free), and Webmasters earn more on reading this article 3 easy ways.

Twist #1:--/rich media advertising text and image ads

In display advertising, there are two main types of advertising type: a) text-based advertising and b) image/rich media display advertising. Different is self-evident but The following screenshot shows the two types of ads in action.

Examples of text-based ads:

Adsense text ads
Adsense text ads
And here is how rich media (image) looks like:

Adsense rich media ads
Adsense rich media ads
With Google Adsense, you can choose the type of ad will be displayed on your Website--based on text ads or image/rich media advertising.

Text-based ads:-

The problem: under normal circumstances, text-based ads generate more clicks and, therefore, more
Your Web site than the image/rich media advertising revenues. However, each site is
Different, so that the image/rich media ads may work better for some than others. Alternately, if your Web site is set to only "image/rich media" ads, text ads and you can confuse things and generate more revenue. Only
Drawback of text ads is simple and straightforward, and very few "clean",
Reduce the impression of quality can make your Web site.

Solution: the best way is to allow Google to optimize flexibility you
Income that you allow displaying text and image ads to Google
Instead of an advertisement only, type, you will get the highest profit advertising
Regardless of the appearance of your site.

How to: go to the Adsense ad unit name on the Home/My ad/click on/select the "Ad Type" drop down list

Twist #2: play the color scheme

If ads display ads including text to your site, make sure that
Take some time out from the definition of advertising by reversing its fonts and colors. By default, Google will set up black and blue link text, and when you set up your account.
However, you should try to use a different font and color settings
Give you a unique look and feel of the ads.

Each site is unique and has its own color configuration. In most cases, a color scheme
Blend ad units for the rest of the site is more likely to generate
Ads with the highest audience than text ads, and there is a strange color scheme. However, in many cases, create contrasts – such as in yellow, red links
Color scheme – will result in click-through rates and revenue.

How to: go to the Adsense Home/ads/find/click on the advertisement name "advertising style" field and choose the settings you want.

Twist #3: creating a custom layout

Above, we'll show you your text ads look-and-feel of the set. However, Google offers other options; Ton, for example, custom options you choose for your ad unit to bring sweeping changes. You can choose to customize the background color, border color, the color of the link,
Text color, font type, URL color, font size and angular shapes.

Again, here you will have to experiment a bit with the appearance of your ad units. Includes advertising looks visually pleasing combinations
May not look beautiful and incredible with more contrast. Change your color scheme does not guarantee you income you will
Enough experiments, you'll run into some WINS

How to: go to webmaster click the ad unit name unit/home/advertising/find "advertising style" field and click "use custom settings/and play ...

Twist #4: choose your destination

Google always tries to put the ads on your site, they will generate
Click and your income (and they are) in the process. It is through the
Match with the content of your website. However, you can shrink and select what type of ads will appear on your Web site.

Typically, more about your website and advertising material higher click-through rates, and the higher your income. This means that Google will usually display ads
For products and services, at the very least associated with the theme of your website. You can tell them to avoid certain types of advertising may help Google here
Is not relevant to your site content.

How to do it: home to the Adsense/allow and block ads/General Category

Not that you can be very detailed, very specific subcategory.

Twist #5: choose your category

If you decide to do, make sure you use two useful statistics, Google Adsense offers-"% advertising audience" and "%". You can compare these two areas, what do know statistics. For example, if you pay attention to the "% advertising audience" is less than "% gains", you should be aware of these types of ads are doing very well.

Other variants as you can benefit from this process:

Prohibition of sensitive categories:--be sure to check the "sensitive categories" option allows you to disable or you (the Publisher) may be uncomfortable on your site (for example, advertisements or "get rich quick" ads) displays some ads on approval.

Block specific advertiser:--you can also prevent certain harmful (or competition) on the ads displayed on your site by selecting the "advertiser Url" option.


The above tips are just tip of the iceberg. You can use many different options/settings to optimize your Adsense configuration and increase online revenue. However, these minor change is a great place, you can begin; they are easy to deploy, they can have a significant impact on your income.

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