How to Successfully improve Adsense revenue best trick | Get Top Google Adsense Safe tips tricks and so on.

How to Successfully improve Adsense revenue best trick

In the pocket of the currency and Google AdSense always insist that it is the best. Well, often advertising and good wide CPC rates change as a match to the other network. But again with the current changes, Google AdSense has begun to support more advertising than publishers.
Well, it is simply because they don't need to attract more publishers because they are already very mature, they do not have any competitors. Google faces stiff competition do you know of any ad network Publisher??
I don't think so!!
But Google faces competition ðŸ˜›!! Yes, Google Adwords competition!! It faces plenty of competition from companies/websites, especially Facebook and ice. People are switching to Facebook advertisers and social media advertising to become the first choice. Fraud also has a lot of Google AdSense publishers and Adwords advertisers to spend more on their hands tight. And we can see Bing advertising increases.
Such activities, the problems faced by publishers, such as:
The low rate of Communist Party of China.
Very low center
We had less advertising.
Decline in income.
In this case, there's nothing you can do, you must get used to low CPC, however, you can change/adjust application through which you can maximize your AdSense revenue. This is what I will share with you guys on this article. I'm going to keep it simple, the given problem, some of the answer in the Guide as a whole.

How to increase the Adsense CPC?
Why you low click-through rate?
How to improve Google Adsense CTR?
Why do you even low CPC for high CPC keywords?
How to increase the AdSense income is not even increase your traffic?
How to display ads on your site for specific Adwords account?
How to control the ads displayed on your website?
How to block for a step by step process?
And a lot!!!

Tips for increasing your AdSense income
Well, this is what you may read on other blogs and stuff. But trust me, if you follow it correctly you will see at least 20% increase your AdSense income does not even increase your traffic. But, Yes, this will require a large number of experiments, can take days. So be patient, or do, you are not able to increase your income.

Let's get to work! ðŸ˜›
So that's the basic concept is to stop advertising and advertising categories. Well, that doesn't sound new?? Right?? As you may have read. Right??
But there are differences here, I will not give you an advertising category or list to block. And you will have to find and stop all unnecessary classes of persons. This is a huge difference!!
I have seen a lot of people say, ' don't improve even after blocking ads!! Well, Yes, and only until you are given a list of other blogs.
Well, no confusing!! Let me explain it with some pictures, and align!!
Adjustments to increase your Adsense revenue
One thing!! Adsense performance reporting has everything you need but still if you want to you can create a single report in Excel or any other software to track ad performance. I'm not going to explain in detail.

First, open your Adsense account!! ðŸ˜› and to allow and block advertising section.
Allow & Block ads Section.
 Allow & Block ads Section.

Adsense allows and blocks ads
This is where you can make the magic happen. Yes, here you can allow and block any ads you want. This AdSense makes it a great experience for publishers and to be honest, few use it. (Hope that after reading this article, you will spend more time on it).
Note this function for each Web site you can work alone, or you can apply it to all sites linked to your account. However, it recommended that optimize it for each Web site individually because you may be in a different niche on the Web, here's work involves a great deal of focus on target markets.
Once there, you will see 6 different options to deal with it. Our goal is to optimize all in order to get the best out of our limited traffic: p
Rather than go through all 6 options in order, follow this.
1.Block General category
First, click the General category, because the implementation of such a step, we can filter a lot of unwanted advertisements and advertisement Url.

Blocking General Categories
         Blocking General Categories
Adsense General category
Once there, you will be able to see the option to stop them from the list of categories. In addition to each category, you can also see the% of your income from that specific category and also specific category% of advertising audiences. This data is a gem for you as a Publisher, as time goes on, you will see the result!! You can also choose to review ads in each category separately.
So the first thing you have to do is, sort the list by % Earnings (last 30 days) in decreasing order. Now your can see the top categories that make your money and down the list, you will be having categories with % earnings less than 5%.
Your job starts here!! As I said this is to a large extent based on the experiment, you can prevent the category 15% earnings are less than or less than 10%. I suggest that you start small steps, then stop,% income less than 5% all categories. But there are demerits, that is, you can prevent only a limited number of categories. Only 50 can stop (subclass relates). So you have to be smart and blocked categories.
So now you must have stopped about 3 categories. Some categories will display "too large". Don't worry, we will stop those who are too ðŸ˜›
Real improvements, we need an in-depth study of each category. Now we will go deeper into each category individually (it's gonna take time, but its true value).
How to stop Google Adsense categories
Take a look at the snapshots taken to better understand. ðŸ™‚
Block Categories in Google Adsense
         Block Categories in Google Adsense

In this example, I dug out my 21.8% my AdSense income of computer and consumer electronics categories. I dug out the reason for it is because it has 22 subcategories (as shown in the management unit) and is confident that those 22, there will be a lot of useless or unwanted categories.
Dig into categories
Here in my heart, you can clearly see computer electronics category given me just 2.5% benefits and it is that I want to stop. But is too large to block. Let us go into it.

Find low pay subcategories
I am inside consumer electronics products, these categories can be blocked now.
Blocking low-paid categories
Blocked all the categories inside.
     Blocked all the categories inside.

In this way, you can block any category give you 0 income or is too large to block any category.Be sure you understand how to stop the!! But there is a problem, you'll face! Remember the block limit ðŸ˜›??
How to stop the General category
Limited to just 50, you can't prevent those who do not pay for all of your advertising. However, I have a simple solution, just follow it, it will definitely improve your income.
If you look at the snapshots you can see more columns,% ad impressions. Right? This is what we will use as% receipts to get the best results.
How to Block General Categories Smartly
       How to Block General Categories Smartly

Rather than sorted by revenue, sorted according to ad impressions.
List of categories sorted by impression What you have to do is, block all the ads have a high impression, but on less income.
Blocked more than 2%0% returns all the categories but I do remember
Stop the 2:1 impression of all categories and price/earnings ratio. That if a category 2% of advertising audiences, but income was only 1%, and then stop it.
Do not directly prevent category mainly to stop after each individual, these 2 points.
So, stop 50 categories in this way, approximately 10-15 minutes it will be to do the task. In addition did not prevent I've blocked it all depends on the hajilij blog and blog. Do it by yourself.

2. Blocking AD advertising
Blocking Ad networks
      Blocking Ad networks
Google Adsense Adwords works together with many other ad networks, where you can see ads from a variety of online advertising. Most of us do not have any idea of the network, then simply skip the step. But pay less if you know some network or if you know the name of network advertising is not attractive, you can simply block them.
3. Blocking  Ad services setting
Times have changed, Google Adsense has evolved a lot in the last 5 years. We just only direct links to images and ads, but now things have changed. Google Adsense started offering animated ads, expandable ads, VPaid ads (video types), and many other forms of enhanced advertising.
The move is good and bad to the Publisher. Some Web sites will not enhance the good, although in some of these ads on the site really works great. Due to the same reason, Google gives publishers the right to select which ads to display, what kind of ads are not displayed.
Blocking Ad networks
                                                                  Blocking Ad networks
It is recommended to keep all objects are selected by default, but if you really don't make good, depending on your traffic, the steps you need to take as well as here.
I would recommend you try just "user-based advertising." Also, it displays advertisements based on search history, profile and disables them for the benefit, may lead to niche or keyword-based advertising. So, if you're some high CPC niche, disable user-based advertising, see the magic happen (not always ðŸ˜›).

For example, I work with a lot of people complain about the law, foreign exchange and insurance after high CPC keywords as low as Chinese Communist party got the news. So that's the answer! Your site does not always display advertising related keywords, on the contrary, it will show low CPC ads display ads based on user interests. So try to disable this feature in the next time, it must then display ads based on your keywords and positions. Very simple?? Share your experience. ðŸ™‚

4. Blocking Ad Url
Well, everything is!! But if you have some you want to block the ad's URL?? Then simply use this feature, otherwise, nothing here.
Blocking Advertiser URLs
       Blocking Advertiser URLs

You can add a URL or Url blocked Url list.
Follow these 5 steps to stop, however, you must have blocked a lot of low-wage, useless does not need advertising and advertisers.if you like this article information then must share to other...


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