when you upload a video on Youtube Could not update video settingsPlease try again later | Get Top Google Adsense Safe tips tricks and so on.

when you upload a video on Youtube Could not update video settingsPlease try again later

What to do if you came out with "Could not update video settings. Please try again later" when you upload a video on [Video / self-made video] Youtube.

When you try to upload a travel video on Youtube, I get an error similar to the following image. If you look, it seems very much the video is in the state that can not be published because it is stored as a draft. Not be able to post videos by pressing the "open" button and it is this state. Keep how a note of the procedure for releasing this state. --- First, as I explained such as video wrote much trouble does not disappear, or open another tab of the browser, open the top page of Youtube and another launched a browser. Freshly from the tab or browser opened, the account you are trying to upload a video, open the "Video Manager" of the Creator tool. Then going to the video you are trying to upload has already been added to the list. Next to the video are displayed as a "draft", to click because there is a button called "public" in the near. (Because the image of the problem in the generation did not get, is described in the image after the resolution ...) Then the draft state is released. Of earlier in this state back to "Could not update video settings. Please try again later " and out of the screen. Then, when you press the "Publish" button, it is possible to publish the videos, are reflected perfectly well as video description.


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