I think it's a good list overall. Google has ben trying to find ways to identify authority for a long time. There was the google knol, and then they tried the author tag, but neither of those worked out.
Your list, I don't think old Web site may be able to get things like independent privacy policy pages or HTTPs, at least for information Web site. In fact, I doubt their age can be a positive factor, because it is rubbish and "changes and burning" sites typically don't stay more than a year or two. Using HTTPs. Spam sites are unlikely to take such a step and spend some extra money, said: you are serious about your Web site.
Smart bounce rate for your monitor. A high bounce rate is not the kiss of death, but they are a poor user experience on your Web site to find a good way. If someone is accessing your online calculator I would expect higher bounce rate, or you need to make your computer easier to use. If someone has access to your sales and leaves within 5 seconds of the video, you might want to rework, video or replace a better sales pitch. If I were Google engineers will monitor the bounce back to the Serp and logo didn't satisfy search results, the user should be ranked lower. As a business owner, I watch
What would you add to the list?
A) Provide full contact details (phone number, email address, postal address), don't just
B) Provide a Contact form, and a site search facility.
Whate is trust? The difference between a real business and a pretend business? I hate to say this, but paid links are a sign of trust. Not the kind you get on fiver, but the kind that you have to pay for to advertise your business. I spend roughly $10k a year on trade organizations, chambers of commerce, bbb, trade publications, and local charities mainly for the links. The notion that paid links are bad is a knee jerk reaction to some spam penalities. A real business adverises wherever it might generate business.
I suppose it's possible that TLDs could be a "trust signal" in isolated cases. For example .travel is reserved for DMOs (destination marketing organizations) and companies in the travel business, and it's very expensive, so a .travel domain is likely to be legitimate. That could make the .travel domain useful as a positive trust signal (though not as a ranking signal).
On the other hand, the lack of a .travel domain certainly wouldn't be a negative trust signal, because DMOs and travel companies don't use the .travel TLD and never will.
Some of the other suggestions here might be relevant to e-commerce sites but aren't relevant to news and information sites. Example: If and when https becomes commonplace among information sites, it might be reasonable for Google to consider whether information sites use the https protocol, but until then, other trust signals--history, quality of inbound links, etc.--are likely to be more useful.
Algorithms are not based on "trust", they are based on how much profit can be extracted from a particular site, be it an eCommerce that has to PAY for AdWords or an "Information Site" that relies on AdSense and user tracking(USER DATA IS VERY EXPENSIVE).
I believe the same. Google reports quarterly profits in the billions not because they are a charity, but because they have perfected the art of monetizing what is not theirs. Lacking any innovation, they must rely on manipulation and organize their assets in such a way that garners them the most profit. Any business would do the same.
On the issue of trust, I am convinced that it is an integral part of their algorithm, though not necessarily. Using the original and aged domain expires in 5 + years from now full HTTPs, mobile-friendly, original content/images/video, made to look like a novice, reviews in many shopping centres, communication with customers, sales links and references of industry leaders, and so on is not enough for us. Instead, we see Google send junk traffic until 2015, including visitors from Adwords ads, showing fake robot-like behavior began in the 4th quarter. Lose thousands of dollars from the profits of the same Adwords campaigns after many years ago, I have gone back to the original point, I believe what blend27 are aware of Google search results with maximum profit.
Rather than trying to determine trust ranking factors that make people better, I would like someone to explain why we should trust Google. All their billions of dollars in lost revenue with Google still send people to support low-budget community forums and more frequent posters have crashed. Adwords representative who is ignorant, just know how to give instructions that will cost advertisers with more money, often conflicting, corporate satellite offices by the Government's tax evasion and anti-trust investigation, attacked several company spokesmen. Even Google b rating provided by the better Business Bureau a + rating which can be easily bought in the age/where. These trusted companies can no longer count on a company, using dirty means, my efforts, their main concerns reported profits to shareholders is seen as a positive value.
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